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This is the place
where everything exists
beyond your imagination.
Sangsang&Sangsang Co., Ltd.
always imagines things for the better and listens to other persons' opinions as well as customers' thoughts.
We make every effort to produce the highest quality goods and be the best enterprise in this field.
Everyday, we keep on imagining things for our customers.
T 070-7777-7836
Weekday AM 10:00~ PM 5:30
Lunch PM 12:30~ PM 1:30
Off Sat / Sun / Holiday
E-mail sangsangsarang@naver.com
Bank Hana Bank
Account 279-910012-58604
Name Sangsang Co.,Ltd
Company Name Sangsang Co., Ltd. CEO Jeong Eun
Address BA 07-010, 7F, 20, Dasansunhwan-ro,
Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Business Licence 204-86-56527
Mail Order Licence 제2021-진접오남-0448호